November 24, 2007

Socialism Meets Capitalism

Chris Matthews finds a clip of delicious irony as multimillionaires come to Washington in their private jets to ask for a multimillion dollar handout.

I don’t understand how so many Christians can assume the superiority of capitalism while simultaneously holding the conviction that socialism is evil to its core. Personally, I think that that they both can be employed and lived out in such a way that can be either prosperous and peaceful, or oppressive and unjust. Isn't it ironic that while capitalism in its fullest has led this economy to the state that it is currently in, we are looking for a socialist solution to deal with this problem?

Are these two approaches commensurable? Can a socialistic approach be used to solve a problem that capitalism created? Or, are we creating an even bigger problem, which is being portrayed here in this video – that is, the wealthy are only going to prey on this multibillion dollar bailout not as an opportunity to address this problem, but as an opportunity to make yet another profit.

Christian or not, all would be wise to consider that Darwin based his theory of evolution on capitalism. Dr. Gerry Lower makes an interesting observation in his article, Religious Capitalism's Embrace of Social Darwinism:

In ideological terms, religious capitalism rejects evolutionary theory in favor of faith in Biblical creationism and "intelligent design" (which is truly not intelligent because it provides no meaningful insight into design or purpose). In operational terms, however, and despite all loathing of evolutionary theory, religious capitalism begins and ends by following an agenda explicitly defined by post-Darwinian political theory, i.e., "Social Darwinism"

International Relations?

I thought this was an interesting clip. Bush is at the the G20 summit with other world leaders and while everyone else is shaking each other's hands, he passes by like an ex-husband.

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